For more information on how you too can also get access to this new and exciting educational material for teaching at your school, museum or science centre, etc., please contact:
Mariana Back, Managing Director, Nordic4DFrame AB
Mobil: +46 (0)706 102 757
Company Business Information
Here is some basic information about Nordic4DFrame that you may find useful in your dealings with us.
Our Organization Number in Sweden and the EU:
Our Swedish business Organization Number is:
Note: this same number applies to customers within Sweden as well as those in the rest of the Nordic and Baltic countries who deal with us and need the information for the VAT part of their purchase forms…
Swedish Tax Certification:
Our Swedish Tax Registration/VAT Number is:
We hold an up-
Bankgiro Account Number:
Our bankgiro account number here in Sweden (used for making payments to our company account) is made available to customers within that country via a faktura at the time of purchase.
BIC and IBAN Account Information:
Our BIC and IBAN account information (used for making international payments to our company account) is made available to international customers via an invoice at the time of purchase.
Payment Deadlines:
Payment for products and services is expected to be made by the due date as shown on your invoice.
Grönviksvägen 6, 185 41 Vaxholm, Sweden